An eBike's not cheating. I’m not training.
An eBike's not cheating. I’m not training.

An eBike's not cheating. I’m not training.

From personal; experience, when I ride my eBike to work and regularly overtake analogue riders, usually going up hills, it’s common for them to shout ‘that’s cheating’.

New technology takes a while to settle into some markets. Traditional attitudes can take as long to change.


eBikes are changing behaviours most quickly where the need is felt most.

In cities, where public transport has stopped being the preferred way to get to work, eBike sales have taken off. Stories about a shortage of bike stocks and bike shops being unable to guarantee delivery dates feature in the press daily.


Fully Charged at Silverstone has a different experience. We’re located close to Milton Keynes and exactly midway between Oxford, Northampton, Bedford and Warwick, so easily reached by hundreds of thousands of people. Our customers have a different experience than our counterparts in London.


Commuting by car is more common whether the journey is 2km or 10 miles so the need to keep away from other people is less keenly felt by lots of people in this region.


However, we can see a change in attitude by drivers who are looking for a new way to get around. These travellers aren’t typical ‘cyclists’. They are new to the pleasures al fresco travel and eBikes are helping them to go further, keep up with traffic and arrive at their destination in a relaxed condition.


From personal; experience, when I ride my eBike to work and regularly overtake analogue riders, usually going up hills, it’s common for them to shout ‘that’s cheating’.


Don't feel bad if this happens to you. Their choice is to go out for a ride for pleasure or to train. Your choice was to commute and make a change your lifestyle by riding an eBike.


The two needs are different and an eBike meets your need as well as the analogue rider’s bike does for them.


New technology takes a while to settle into some markets. Traditional attitudes can take as long to change. There’s a bike for everyone. Maybe yours is an eBike.


Book a test ride by calling 01865 522 122.

Written by Tristan