BH eMotion Electric Bikes - What to expect for 2016

BH Bikes – An Overview

A Spanish bicycle brand trading for over 100 years, BH Bikes has an illustrious history of producing excellent road bikes. They have just announced that they are back in the peloton for the 2016 Tour de France as the bike provider for the Direct Energie, a new French team taking over from Europcar franchise. It’s only in the last 5 years that BH have added electric bikes to the business, under the brand name BH eMotion. In the last two years they have gained experience and have started to take it more seriously.

Fully Charged were invited along with 4 other UK dealers and leading French, Spanish and Portuguese e-bike vendors to attend their HQ in Vitoria, northern Spain, for product testing, training and meeting the team. Fully Charged has seen good success with the BH Emotion bikes since taking them on a year ago and it’s great to put faces to names, to see where and how the bikes are produced and to learn more about how to diagnose problems and faults.

New to BH Bikes for 2016

BH Emotion Premium bluetooth kit

New to everyone is the development of the BH Emotion Premium bluetooth kit which is an upgrade available on any of the emotion range. The bike connects to your smartphone via their free application available on both android and apple devices. This is a top quality feature for the bikes because not only do you get all the ride statistics that you would expect like speed, distance and calories burnt but they have taken it to the next level. The app integrates with your maps not only to plan and execute a route, but what we all liked was the function whereby the app calculates your ride distance including any changes of altitude and will program the bike to output the exact amount of power for that specific distance meaning that you’ll never run out.

Other added features are 0-100 settings for power whereas on the bike you have four power options, you can get simple diagnosis of any technical issues. This is something I am yet to see from any other e-bike manufacturer.

BH Emotion GPS Tracking

The second big leap from BH is something that we have been eagerly awaiting in any ebike and that is gps tracking. The ability to remotely track a bike is nothing new but one fundamental flaw of the application up until now has been that they are quite easy to locate and remove. BH have eliminated this problem because the small box is housed underneath the battery which will always be locked in place. The box needs a micro sim card with credit for data roaming and you can pre programme it to send location data from every minute to every hour. Sadly bike theft is not relenting so one further way to get peace of mind is a step in a good direction. I had wondered for a while now who would make inroads into this problem which makes me proud that BH have shown the way forward. Fully Charged will be getting some of the very first Tracking upgrades in the coming weeks so stay tuned as I am looking forward to putting it through its paces soon.

Written by fullyblogadmin