Rebecca Thomas: How I found freedom on an e-bike
Rebecca Thomas: How I found freedom on an e-bike

Rebecca Thomas: How I found freedom on an e-bike

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease of the Central Nervous System. Estimates suggest that over 100,000 people in the UK have been diagnosed with  MS and can experience a variety of debilitating symptoms, such as fatigue, vision problems and numbness.

Rebecca Thomas has from MS and came to Fully Charged in search of an e-bike as getting around can be challenging, particularly on days she feels her symptoms are more bothersome. Rebecca chose an A2B Kuo+ (pictured below) and says “I love my e-bike because it gives me freedom”. KUO+When Rebecca isn’t on her bike in North London, she runs a copy-editing business. She is keen to share her story and hopes to encourage anyone else in a similar situation to explore the option of an e-bike. Read our chat below:

How long have you had MS for and what is the biggest challenge you face?

Though I wasn’t diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis until 2013, I suspect it has been causing lots of strange and unexplained symptoms since 2000. Fatigue is the most frustrating persistent challenge; I need to rest and ‘reboot’ my brain several times a day, though that usually only takes 20 minutes. I pretend to be meditating, as that’s very fashionable at the moment.

You have an A2B Kuo +, why did you choose this model and what is your favourite thing about this bike?

I’m quite short and so found the size appealing; it suits me and I don’t feel as though I have to wrestle with it like bigger bikes. The price was right too; not too expensive, but felt very well built.

What does an e-bike allow you to do that you couldn’t previously?

I can cycle to the gym and swimming pool rather than drive. It takes the same amount of time and I get to tootle through Alexandra Palace park rather than sit in traffic. My main use is to make fairly short journeys that would use precious energy if I walked, and waste petrol if I drove.

If you could have any e-bike, what would you choose?

The Gocycle G3 – still small and foldable but with a 50 mile range, very light, and with ‘daytime running lights’. I’m usually fairly gimmick resistant, but they look cool (and safe, of course)!

What is your favourite London bike route?

I haven’t been too far afield yet, but the route along the River Lee and Lea Valley to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is lovely, and varied.

Describe Fully Charged in 3 words.

Enthusiastic, friendly and knowledgeable.

Click here to read more of Rebecca’s blog.

Fully Charged are passionate that the e-bike revolution is the future of urban transport. We have a range of bikes from urban and folding, mountain and cargo models. See our website for more information, or call us if you would like to talk through the best option for you.

Written by fullyblogadmin