Save Bermondsey Street
Save Bermondsey Street

Save Bermondsey Street

Fully Charged’s main London Bridge showroom is situated on Bermondsey Street, a bustling community close to London Bridge station and Borough Market. Historically Bermondsey Street has been home to a vibrant mix of small businesses and residence. A community that is deeply entrenched in the wider history of London.

However now this community is under threat. The local council are proposing to allocate sites on Bermondsey street for exceptionally high density and environmentally insensitive redevelopment – a high rise zone. In a severely under-publicised process, this could see planning permission being granted to high rise developments in a heritage sensitive zone.

Fully Charged strongly objects firstly to the view that any sites in Bermondsey Street are remotely appropriate for high-rise redevelopment. We would therefore urge the Council to immediately acknowledge that the inclusion of Bermondsey Street and its Conservation Area to any degree whatsoever in a high-rise zoning exercise is entirely inappropriate.

Secondly, the area designated NSP53 by the Council is a heritage-sensitive one. Of obvious importance are the unique Vinegar Yard warehouse and the listed St Thomas Street viaduct arches by eminent Victorian railway architect Charles Henry Driver. These arches are the only remaining visible historic element of London Bridge station following the recent loss of both the listed train shed and the important Southeastern Railway offices on Tooley Street. Also of heritage value is the Horseshoe pub on Melior Street. All these heritage assets must be preserved not only as to their fabric but also as to their setting. This obviously makes the area denoted NSP53 unsuitable for high-rise development.

If you would like to get involved you can find out more information on the working groups website.

Written by fullyblogadmin