Video highlights from the Electric Cargo Bike Summit.
On the evening of 15th September we hosted the inaugural eCargo Bike Summit with our friends at the Energy Saving Trust.
We were joined (in real life) by nearly 100 visionaries, pioneering business leaders and eCargo bike aficionados to discuss the dilemma faced by our urban centres and how sustainable transport options are playing a rapidly growing part in the solution.
After the resounding success of the evening and those in attendance wanting the presentations to send onto their own networks, the talks by our guest speakers have now been released on our Youtube channel (and below) for public viewing. Our aim is to try and reach as many people as possible who don’t known about electric cargo bikes and what their benefits could bring to them and their businesses, so if you do know of anyone, pass on the talks!
The Benefits of eCargo Bikes for Businesses
Fully Charged Founding Partner and Head of Business Dan Parsons talks about the benefits of eCargo bikes for businesses. In Dan’s talk he goes over the urban transport dilemma currently facing our cities as well as the current public health emergency. Dan goes onto talk about how eCargoes fit into part of the wider solution facing our nation, and how the vehicles increase businesses’ efficiency whilst reducing their running costs
The Energy Saving Trust eCargo Grant Fund Explained
Rachel Swiatek, Programme Manager at the Energy Saving Trust, gives an overview of the eCargo Grant Fund scheme, which is running until the 14th December this year. Rachel’s speech goes over the new application rules following on from the success of 2019 and the eligibility criteria, before talking about what tips and tricks businesses can do to get ahead for the fund.
The Rise of Electric Cargo Bikes for Business Explained
Hear from London’s revolutionary sustainable mobility service ecofleet, rapidly growing laundry and wet-cleaning start up Oxwash and the UK’s leading consultancy on eCargo bikes MP Smarter Travel in our panel discussion. These are the very businesses that have put eCargo bikes at the centre of their operations, with the talk opening up lots of debate surrounding sustainable transport solutions for companies in city-centres. The panel was hosted by Dan Parsons, and from left to right included Farah Asemi (Founder of Ecofleet), Tom de Wilton (Co-Founder Oxwash) and Oliver Ivens (Head of Consulting at MP Smarter Travel).
How do we get London to carbon zero roads
Suami Rocha, Climate Safe Streets Campaign Officer at the London Cycling Campaign talks at the end of the inaugural #eCargoBikeSummit2021 about what the London Cycling Campaign is trying to do to achieve zero emission status on its streets by 2030, including the ‘Climate Safe Streets Report’ a roadmap to decarbonise the capital’s roads.
Of course, the event could not have been an eCargo event were it not for all goods that needed transporting to the event being moved via eCargo. For that we’d like to thank Team London Bridge in helping us reach out to Grazing Food Co, Lant Street Wines, Hiver Beer and Nine Lives Cocktail Bar.
We are looking forward to hosting next years event, where we’ll look to open up the summit to more of a national and global audience. If you are interested to learn more about how eCargo bikes could fit into your business, then please email us at or follow this link here to speak to a specialist online.