Why Tristan chose the Riese & Müller Delite
Why Tristan chose the Riese & Müller Delite

Why Tristan chose the Riese & Müller Delite

Tristan tells us why the Riese & Müller Delite is his eBike of choice.

Tristan Allen could have chosen from a huge range of electric bikes when starting up Fully Charged Silverstone, but he decided on the Riese and Müller Delite.

This video explains his reasons behind his decision, as well as going through the key features of the bike.

Learn more about the Riese and Müller collection here: https://www.fullycharged.com/Riese-and-Muller-ebikes/Riese-and-Muller-ebikes

To find out more about Fully Charged Silverstone and book a consultation/test-ride here: https://www.fullycharged.com/fullycharged-silverstone/fullycharged-silverstone

Written by Tristan Allan