Electric Mountain Biking Events this Summer
Electric Mountain Biking Events this Summer

Electric Mountain Biking Events this Summer

This Summer we are proud to be hosting three different electric mountain biking events with our partner Pedal & Spoke in Peaslake, Surrey. Here’s what you need to know:

When are the events happening?

Haibike Event – 13-14 May
Moustache Event – 20-21 May
KTM Event – 3 June

Whereabouts will they be held?

Pedal & Spoke
Tel: 01306 731639

What time should I rock up?

The First tour is 10.00 – 13.00, the next one 14.00 – 17.00.

How much does it cost?

£25 with a rented full-suspension mountain eBike, £10 with your own bike. Including refreshments!

What’s it going to be like?

A fun day for people to come and discover the pleasure of riding off-road full-suspension ebikes in a relaxed environment surrounded by beautiful nature on the best roads for this kind of bikes.

Not only people on ebikes are welcome, anyone who likes to join the fun (family members/friends) are welcome!

Why are you holding the event?

We want to give people a chance to ride our amazing off road full-suspension ebikes from Haibike, Moustache & KTM and feel like a super-human racing up and down the hills!

To celebrate our new Fullycharged VS Pedals & Spoke collaboration. Which you can find out more about HERE.

To promote off-road eBike culture and show how amazingly rewarding it is both for new and experienced mountain-bike cyclists.

How do I get involved?

We will do tours starting from 10 AM were people can sign up before on Facebook for joining the tour HERE:


Or sign up by email events@fullycharged.com

Written by fullyblogadmin